PALS Book Sale
March 20, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- This event has passed.
Get great bargains on books! Paperbacks just 50 cents each; Hardcover $1 each; Large Hardcover/Coffee Table books $2 each. All genres including Novels, Mysteries, Nonfiction, SciFi, Histories, Romance, Biographies, How To books, and many more. Plus some yard sale items. All sales cash only. No limit on how many books you can buy. Covid-19 protocols will be observed; face masks and social distancing required. All sale proceeds go to buy new books and fund programs for the Apalachicola Margaret Key Library.
View more events at FloridasForgottenCoast.com

PALS, Patrons of Apalachicola Library Society
6th Street & Avenue D