Expand Your World Programs: Didgeridoos (Music), Art, Crafts, and Stories
July 3, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - July 7, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
- This event has passed.
The Franklin County Public Library’s Summer Reading Program jumps into July on the 3rd week, July 3rd thru 7th at the Franklin County Public Libraries. Both library branches will have fun activities for both kids and adults during this program in celebration of the theme, “All Together Now”. In keeping with this theme, week three will focus on fun activities that explore other cultures. Library programs are free and open to the public and participants do not need a library card to participate.
Week Three (July 3rd-7th) “Expand Your World” (Diversity)
• July 3rd- Didgeridoo Down Under 11:00 AM @ Carrabelle; 2:00 PM @ Eastpoint – Australian music, culture and entertainment. https://www.didgedownunder.com/
• July 5th- Paper Lantern Making 2:00 PM @ Eastpoint
• July 5th- Origami and Green Tea 2:00 PM @ Carrabelle
• July 6th- Aboriginal Dot Art 2:00 PM @ Both Branches
• July 7th- Bilingual Story Time (Espanola) 11:00 AM @ Eastpoint
• July 7th- Story Time (Regular) 11:00 AM @ Carrabelle
The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries. Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports the Franklin County Public Libraries in Eastpoint and Carrabelle, Florida. Summer Reading is an annual program that brings children, teens, and families into local public libraries for reading and activities. The benefits to readers in a summer reading program include encouraging a lifelong reading habit, attracting reluctant readers through activities, helping children keep their skills up over the summer, and generating interest in the library and books plus the program can provide great summer fun and an opportunity for family time.
View more events at FloridasForgottenCoast.com

Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries
160 Hickory Dip Rd
United States
(850) 670-8151